Wholeheartedly serving international patients and caregivers
Wholeheartedly serving international patients and caregivers
We are a company providing professional and compassionate assistance to international patients and their caregivers during their stay for treatment at the Texas Medical Center located in Houston, Texas.
International patients, caregivers, and families traveling to Houston for medical treatment at the Texas Medical Center.
We are ready to begin working for and with you as soon as you have a confirmed appointment date with your treatment hospital.
We are a company conceived from our firsthand experience as a cancer patient and caregiver, so we understand the physical and emotional challenges that you are or will be facing.
My approach has been to treat those we help not as strangers but as friends whom I am accompanying through a very difficult experience.
We provide a full range of professional services designed to support foreign patients and their caregivers before, during and after treatment, making their stay in Houston easier and less overwhelming.
Learn more about the real-life stories we have had the privilege to witness and the circumstances of those we have been able to help
“Mi experiencia con Sandra fue maravillosa. No solo mi esposo y yo contamos con apoyo moral de su parte, sino que encontramos nuevos y verdaderos amigos… > Read more
Meeting Sandra was like meeting my "Guardian Angel". As you can imagine I was feeling very overwhelmed by everything that was happening, and she immediately gave me a sense of peace… > Read more
“Haber conocido a Sandra y a Fred fue un cambio inmenso para nosotros. Sandra nos ayudó a navegar el complejo sistema del hospital, su organización y procedimientos…” > Read more
“Sandra nos ayudó desde el primer momento, aún sin conocernos personalmente, ya contábamos con su completa disposición, cariño y acompañamiento…” > Read more
“Nuestra experiencia con Sandra fue muy enriquecedora, la verdad como familia estamos muy agradecidos de lo cálidos que fueron ella y su esposo Fred en nuestra estancia en Houston…” > Read more